How to build your first Google Maps Platform integration with

We live in a world full of data. It’s often hard to tease out the hidden meaning found within it because–in its rawest form–the data is still very abstract. This is particularly true of Geo-based data, where the very elements that give a row of data a sense of location (its “geo-ness”) can be difficult to mentally model. Take latitude and longitude. While they describe the precise location, they’re largely useless without a means to plot and calculate over them. Computers are great at this. Humans, not so much. This is where visualizations come to the rescue, revealing a world of interconnectedness that’s often hidden when looked at as raw numbers.
In this post, I’ll walk you through how to set up and use Google Maps Platform with We’ll start with a simple “Hello, World!” style introduction to ensure all our plumbing is in order. Then we’ll move to a basic visualization of some real data. And once we’re done, you’ll have sound boilerplate code to work from for future visualizations. Finally, we’ll demonstrate some techniques for interactivity that will help unlock hidden meaning and opportunity.
Hello, world!
Let’s start by reviewing the simplest of map visualizations using To begin, download the starter project here.
All of the files you’ll need to work within this tutorial are in the /src
directory. The main file we will be looking at is hello-world.html
, where you’ll see I’ve already included the code for importing the Maps JavaScript API, as well as using it to initialize and apply some basic styling to the map.
To view this page I recommend using a simple web server. While this page doesn’t absolutely need it, future examples will need some serving mechanism to avoid the dreaded CORS error when loading data and map styles.
To begin, from the command line, go to the directory of the starter project you just downloaded.
Next, run the following from the command line to start a simple webserver to serve the project files:
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Next, you’ll need to replace YOUR_API_KEY
with your actual API key in the script
tag at the top of hello-world.html
where we're importing the Maps JavaScript API. If you aren’t familiar with how to generate an API key, check out our quick video walkthrough.
<script src=""></script>
Once you’ve done this, you can view the page at:
It should look like this:

Adding a basic visualization
While our map is nice, it’s not exactly ready for exploring real-world use cases. Let’s add a very basic visualization: Scatterplot Layer.
To start, we include the unpackaged version of the library in the app by adding the following script
tag in the <head>
section of index.html
<title>Google Maps and - Hello, World!</title>
<script src="^7.0.0/dist.min.js"></script>
Next, in our main script
in index.html
, you’ll see we have already initialized the map and defined a data point for you:
<script type="text/javascript">
const nyc = { lat: 40.75097, lng: -73.98765 };
const map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: nyc,
zoom: 14,
disableDefaultUI: true, // de-clutters the UI
zoomControl: true, // brings back zoom controls
styles: mapStyle // use map styles from /styles/map_styles.js
The first step in applying visualization layers to this map are to import the GoogleMapsOverlay
and ScatterplotLayer
objects from at the top of this script
<script type="text/javascript">
const { GoogleMapsOverlay, ScatterplotLayer } = deck;
Next, we initialize GoogleMapsOverlay
and pass an instance of the ScatterplotLayer
layer to it at the bottom of the same script
. A "Layer" is a core concept of that creates a visualization type that takes data and renders it on a map based on a set of properties that define the look and behavior of the layer.
Here we specify one data point and a radius of 10 meters, then add the overlay to the map:
const deckOverlay = new GoogleMapsOverlay({
layers: [
new ScatterplotLayer({
id: 'scatterplot',
data: [{ position: [nyc.lng,, 0], }],
getRadius: 20,
getFillColor: [255, 133, 27]
The data attribute of layers is quite robust. It will take an Iterable (an array of data), String (a URL), Promise or a generic Object (that implements length). For more details on what you can feed a layer see the properties documentation.
The end result should be a single lonely marker, lost in the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Adding a data source
Let’s add some more data from one of BigQuery’s public datasets to create a more meaningful scatterplot visualization. For those new to BigQuery, see this getting started guide to get through the initial setup and to see an example of how to query a public dataset.
We’ll be using New York City’s Citi Bike dataset. Citi Bike is New York City’s bike-share system, and the largest in the nation with 10,000 bikes and 600 stations across Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Jersey City.
To retrieve the data, run the following query in the BigQuery query editor in the Google Cloud console:
Once the query completes, click SAVE RESULTS
beneath the query editor, and select JSON (local file)
to save the data to your working directory. For this example, we named the file stations.json

Now let’s tell the layer about this new JSON data source and how to parse the data it contains.
, getFillColor
, and getRadius
are our data accessors. They tell the layer how to reach into the data and extract values that it uses to determine how to render different attributes of the visualization. In the case of a ScatterPlot Layer, these accessors allow it to determine the place, size, and color for each data point, but you don’t always have to base rendering decisions off of data.
For example, here we are keeping the fill color constant for all rows, but dynamically setting the position and radius of the points based on the data:
const deckOverlay = new GoogleMapsOverlay({
layers: [
new ScatterplotLayer({
id: 'scatterplot',
data: './stations.json',
getPosition: d => [parseFloat(d.longitude), parseFloat(d.latitude)],
getFillColor: d => [255, 133, 27],
getRadius: d => parseInt(d.capacity),
Now when we reload the app, our end result visualizes about 800 Citi Bike stations across New York City.

That’s all there is to it. You’ve built your first data visualization using data from one of Google Cloud’s BigQuery public datasets. If you run into any issues, you can also refer to the code in scatterplot.html
to see the final code of this tutorial.
In our next post, we’ll pick up where we left off and integrate even more data and some interesting interactivity into this Scatterplot Layer.
For more information on Google Maps Platform, visit our website.
Devesh Raj
Map Analyst, Google Map